Monday, November 28, 2011

Kekova, Turkey, TR

Island of Kekova, part of the biggest province of Antalya, Turkey.

I enjoyed my three days of stay in Antalya and feel that aside from AspendosPergeKaleici,  WaterfallsSide, White River Rafting and  Termessos mountain tour that there still much more to do and left unseen.

The agony whether to go or not to go to Kekova left a long sighhhh.  Why?  It is going to be a long travel and thus need to change bus twice.  Choose no headache so just stick to the plan and see what lies in there.

Had to wait couple of hours at Antalya bus terminal for bus trip to Demre, then after that bus change from Demre to Kekova.  The trip to Kekova seems unending and still thinking if it is worth a visit.

Antalya Bus Terminal
It was a long journey.  When were almost there, all I can say was Hu-wow!  I love this!

Just love this winding road

I love this hidden city.  Amongst my previous days of hectic tour I now felt that I am on vacation, so peaceful and relaxing.
Theimussa Pension Cafe

Never to waste a moment here for I have only one night in Kekova.  Arrived in Kekova in the afternoon after such a long journey and scheduled to leave the following day.  So, no idle here.  Just threw my bag in the room and start to hike the hill just behind the pension house, saw so many tomb there.   And walked around the small city of Kekova.


The Tomb Rider :-)))


Sat for a dinner which personally prepared by Mr. Osman who operates the pension house and meet Rambo, the boat man for early morning tour.

Mr. Osman & Rambo
I miss the real food after few days of Shawarma diet

The pride and kick of Turkey drink "Raki" transforming color
I was amazed by how this clear water color of Raki turned into cloudy white when an ice cube dropped into it and finally turned into a pure white, a milk like and of some anis smell.

End the night with a peaceful and calm glimpse of the nature. 

Here comes the sunshine, getting ready for the boat trip to see the city which collapsed due to the earthquake - the Lycian Sunken City.  Situated in the most attractive Turkish coast of Kekova Region.  .  It has been declared as protected area in 1990, thus protect the natural, cultural and geographic richness of the region. 

Meet Sun :-). 

Lovely day indeed :-)
Ready for the boat trip :-)

That is Rambo far ahead, we're so distance busy capturing the scenery :-)

Wanna join?

Along the coast

Simena sunken city

Not so much to see in this protected area as most of it were sunken.   No swimming and diving in this area so Rambo took us to area allowed to swim.

Love the water early in the morning, awaking the sleeping soul inside of me :)

Rambo preparing tea

Me, my trip buddy Everly and the floating tea :-)

Much love to stay but time does not permit so.  Have to leave and catch the bus trip to our next tour, Pamukkale.  We returned to the boat and back to the pension where again breakfast was waiting :-). 

I love life! :-)

Breakfast is ready
And the bonus here Mr. Osman drived us to the city to catch bus to Fethiye, where again to catch bus to Pamukkale.

The long trip was worth it ;-).  

Follow me on the next trip :-).

Thanks to the following:

Mr. Osman
for the hospitality
for the delicious dinner and breakfast, 
for the free ride to the city 
and making our stay a comfortable one.  

for the fun boat trip and
special tea delivery on the sea , that was cute :-))).

October 2011
Kekova, Turkey


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