Sunday, October 02, 2011

Pamukkale, Turkey TR

Pamukkale is literally means Cotton Castle.  The landscape formations were created by calcite deposits from the hot springs originated from the fault, with a temperature of human body of 35C. The sight resembles cotton where Turks got the place called "Pamukkale".  Included on the list of UNESCO World's Cultural Heritage. 

It is a mandatory to remove shoes when going there.  The soft white cotton resemblance of Pamukkale looks like it is slippery but actually not.  As if simply walking on white surface stone :-).  

By the foot of Pamukkale, Kocakucur Lake and 3 pools

Cotton :-)

The bright whitish surface on a bright sunny day is greatly absorb by the skin.  I am greatly burnt.

Enjoying the sun

Pamukkale's ancient pool, Hierapolis attracts more tourist, local as well as foreign visitors.  The main reason of this interest is ancient pool's therapeutic benefits.  Its water is good for heart disease, hardening of arteries, blood pressure, apoplexy, rheumatism,  and derm/eye diseases. 

Ages ago, Queen Cleopatra known with her beauty, noticed that she had been losing her beauty.  Because of that she started to find for a remedy.  She ordered her soldiers to find and bring her healing water for regaining her beauty.  The soldiers have spreaded over various places.  One of the group had visited Pamukkale and had brought water to her.  She noticed that her wrinkles dissapearing gradualy by washing her face with that water.  She came to Pamukkale and soak herself onto the hot water of the pool. 



People wearing back their shoes after completely passing the travertines of Pamukkale

Ancient ruins


Medieval Seldjuk Castle

Museum Roman Baths

Unfortunately that's it for Pamukkale.  There are still several ruins to see around but have no enough time.  The last bus trip has been missed by 15mins.  Had to stay in Fethiye just for the night and travelled first trip to Pamukkale.  Not really feeling bad since am blessed to be able to see this other part of the world and was able to dipped my feet :-). 


  1. It's great the cappadoce and Pammukale

  2. Thanks Brigitte, I enjoyed my stay in Cappadocia and though short visit in Pamukkale, it was great :-).


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