Saturday, October 29, 2011

Kaleici, Turkey, TR

Kaleici, Antalya
Kaleici  is called the Old Antalya, the historic city center of Antalya, Turkey. 
The name Kaleiçi means "Inside the Kale" (Kale is castle or fortress). 
After having visited and explored the part of Cappadocia,  here comes our next destination, Antalya.
Antalya is the city on Medditeranean coast of southwestern Turkey.  The prominent historical name of the military leader Alexander the Great invaded the cities of Aspendos, Perge and Side to which I had the chance to visit. 

From Nevsehir, Cappadocia we took the night bus to Antalya which ran 9~10 hours.  Then transfered to a shuttle bus that was parked by the Antalya bus terminal to take us to our destination. 
Our destination Hotel Blue Sea Garden showing the map to the driver.  Confident that we were understood though  having communication barrier, no English.  

Daaaaah! Blue Garden Hotel...this ain't the hotel where we booked.  The driver dropped us along the street, was told the end road is where we are going and bus doesn't go straight there.  I am not happy about this and losing my temper.  Had the travel agency to arranged the trips to make life easier for us and save more time.  I was so tired from not having a good rest on the bus, now dragging my luggage on how far more to walk...don't know.  Not many seen walking at that time since it is still early in the morning.  Tried to asked an old man, thanks but no help :-(.  No street name even :-(.   Continued walking.  Passed the military guys on post ... finally a sign of help!  They showed the direction.   There was a man who offered help, but the  overnight spirit smell on his breath, hardly trust.  He still lead our way but still doubted his intention.   We were by the Kaleichi old compound when the hotel car picked us.  Then just realized that the man is trully leading us on the right way.  Thank him anyway.  The alley is a mazed of an old city compound and thus locating the hotel is peek-a-boo for first timer.  Saved somehow by the car. 

The room was not ready yet when got to the hotel, had to wait couple of hours till guest check-out.  I needed some time to cool down my temper, and relax my feet.   While waiting, we were offered complimentary breakfast buffet and planned where to go for that day since it's a free day.

The hotel,  Hotel Blue Sea Garden
They have swimming pool, restaurant and bar, and tours.  Operated by Yilmaz, the manager, a funny and good guy  made our stay a comfortable one.  

Blue Sea Garden Photos

From the outside

Blue Sea Garden pool

Breakfast buffet

Hmmm was not lucky enough to come in Kaleici, still not orange :-)
Love to pick you fresh :-)

Around Kaleichi 

Hotels and Restaurants

Their masterpiece, carpets

Ancient stone clock tower, The Castle Gate (Kalekapisi)

Tekeli Mehmet Pasa Camii (mosque) and it's minaret

Statue of Attalus, founder of Antalya



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