Saturday, June 19, 2010

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

             Angkor Wat , The 7th World Heritage
May 21, 2010  

My phone alarmed at 04:30a.m, our meeting time set at 05:30 am as we wanted to catch the sunrise.                    

I was surprised to see Barang, our Tuktuk driver when I opened the door to see who was knocking at that so early.   He wants to make sure that Sachiko and I  are awake and ready for the day tour after coming to the guesthouse late last night.  Of course,  I am ready!                    

Five-thirty in the morning we are on the road.   Some scenes while on our way to get our Gate Pass to the Angkor.  Dollar bill is widely accepted in Siem Reap and received Riels (Cambodian money) change if smaller than a $1.  

A 9yr old boy making a living at this early in the morning

 The Sunrise

Finally, we reached the place where to purchase ticket. There are people who are in groups waiting outside. A day pass to Angkor cost $20, and 2 & 3 days cost $40, the ticket has the photo of the guest.  I just purchased a day visit and here is my pass.
A $20 day pass

Angkor Wat, The City of Temple

The Sunrise 


Bas Relief Galleries

The Churning of the Sea of Milk
Damons pulling the snake
Churning of the Sea of Milk . The most magnificent Angkor Wat relief of them all.It shows 92 gods and 88 demons fighting for the elixir of immortality and a snake caught up in the middle. The gods hold the tail, the demons hold the head, while the snake coils itself around Mt. Mandala. Each time the gods and demons pull from their sides, the mountain turns and the ocean churns.According to one of the stories, the demons and gods were actually working together in creating the elixir. Once the elixir was created, the gods tricked the demons and took the elixir for themselves.Not giving up, one of the demons managed to sneak into the god's residence and drink the elixir before Wishnu beheaded him. Because of the immortal elixir, the demon survived, but possessing only his head. - Holiday in Angkor Wat.

Battle of Kurukshetra Gallery
The Battle of Kurukshetra is a bas-relief at Angkor Wat depicting the Hindu epic from the Mahabharata. Famously depicted on the walls at Angkor Wat, the bas-relief describes the struggle of two rival clans, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, which culminated in the Battle of Kurukshetra in northern India. In the Battle of Kurukshetra, the king will usually be the biggest person on the art. Asia Explorers Travel Guide.

Got swarmed by children selling water, postcards, souvenir items, books and hats as we got outside the temple.  You have to bargain 50% of the asked price. A book was initialy priced at $12 in which I got $11 for two.

Ancient Angkor, book guide by Michael Freeman and Claude Jacques

Took some rest while having breakfast at a restaurant outside the Angkor. The girl who waits on us sold 5 flutes to me.  I got them for $3, for my niece and nephews. I wanted to buy more but she has only those.  Noticeably, the youngsters who are selling items can speak different languages depending on the nationality of their buyers.
It such a beautiful sounds to hear my local language uttered by them. "Ate kamusta ka? Ate bili na. Salamat". (Sister (elder) how are you? Sister buy. Thank you).

Up Next: Angkor Thom and more


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