Friday, June 18, 2010

Apsara Dance - Khmer Classical Dance

How would you like to have a sumptuous dinner in a hotel restaurant and be entertained like a Queen and King?  Does this call you for hunger or wanting to be treated like a Queen-King or both ? 

After visiting the temples during  the day, took boat cruise to the floating village in the afternoon, and now a dinner buffet at Angkor Mondial Hotel for $12 while watching the Apsara Dance in Siem Reap, Cambodia.       

Another must see in Cambodia is their ancient classical dance called “Apsara”.     
Apsara Dance  was primarily performed by women as a funeral rite for kings.   The dance is similar with the Thailand and Laos.  The movements and gestures on this  Khmer classical dance tells story, just like mime.   It was really nice to watch Apsara Dance, for real.  

Dinner in a hotel and watching Apsara Dancers performing is not how to finish the day.   
Experience not just  like a queen but be a part of the local crowd and be just like one of them :-) .    Hopped to their local karaoke bar and hear the unknown to my ears songs:-).


Khmer young lass on the karaoke stage. Just don't know what she's singing :-)



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