Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Traveling to Siem Reap Cambodia

From Vietnam to Cambodia, previous blog Traveling Vietnam to Cambodia

Sapaco Tourist bus company pick-up showed up around 07:00 a.m. at Red Sun Hotel, the guest house where I spent the night.  The ticket cost $24 Vietnam to Siem Reap, Cambodia.  We walked around 5mins to the bus station.    The bus left around 07:30 and reached Siem Reap, Cambodia around 21:00.  The trip has to changed bus in Phnom Penh via Paramount Angkor Express which leaves 14:00 for Siem Reap.  

Some pictures taken while on our way:

If the previous bus conductors gave sandwiches and water to their passengers, this time no eating on the bus…Hungry eh, haven’t had dinner yet .:-(

The shapes

Khmer house

I met Sachico Ohe from Japan who became my travel buddy in Siem Reap.   Sachico works as a nurse in Japan for 9 years.    She was my savior upon stepping my foot in Siem Reap.   I felt so stranger when the bus finally reached its station.    It was dark and no nearby guest houses which apparently not what I expected.    I felt unsecured when I got swarmed by moto and tuk-tuk drivers and was asked where I want to go.    I did not make any hotel/guesthouse booking.    I thought that I could simply look for a place when I got there.    I calculated the hours of travel from Ho Chi Minh to Siem Reap, took us 12 hours.    Time is based on my travel reviews, leaving 0730 expected arrival was 2000 at max.    I went with Sachico who did not make any hotel/guesthouse booking too.:-)

This time I never felt alone.

Life is full of surprises and that is if you are willing to take the risk.;-)

Ouk Barang our tuk-tuk driver,  tour guide speaks Japanese and also our entertainer  :-) yeah Barang is a funny guy and he became a good friend of mine.   He was a friend of Sachiko's friend who worked in Cambodia before.   Barang is dedicated to his work.   I can give his contact number for those who will visit Siem Reap and need a tuk-tuk driver and a city guide.


Irracha Guest House is where Sachico and I got rooms, it’s Barang where had taken us.  Our doors just opposite each other and could simply check whether she or I ready for the “go” :-) .   It is located at #151 St. Sok San Phum Steung Thmey, Khum Svay, Dangkum in Siem Reap. Guesthouses are quite far from the bus station.  It is advisable that travelers arriving at night to book for their accommodations.  Operators usually offer free pick-up from the bus station and that is less hassle for you.

After almost 13 hours of the long trip, we just threw our bags inside our rooms and soon we headed to Senssabay (Happy Hour).  It always excites me for new things.   It is nice to be a part of the Khmers’ and witness the local night glimpse on the first night.
Local open pub

First taste of Khmer food
We got back to the guesthouse by midnight.   That was a really long day where every minute of it was a lesson. 

I couldn't wait till I see the sun.  It was another overflowing experience.   I had to retire during the night to recharge my body :-). 

First full day of visiting places and loads of activities in Siem Reap.


  •  Ta Phrom  - known as the Jungle Empire
  •  Tonle Sap - ride a boat to visit the floating city of Chong Khnea

  • War Museum - visit the open field exhibits

On my Second day, everything was rushed.  I had to maximize my remaining hours to go and visit other places around Siem Reap other than temples.  I want to experience the traditional Khmer Massage as a reward to my exhausted body.   Rushed because I do not want to miss the bus going to Phnom Penh, 12:30 was the pick up at the guest house.

I will show you where I have been in my rush hours .:-)

Farit Barang was my driver on that day’s trip,  younger brother of Ouk Barang.

First stop was War Museum in Siem Reap, a place that should not be missed when visiting Siem Reap.

I was curious about what is inside this Angkor National Museum and so I get in.

An admission fee of $15 for the guests and local driver-guides are free for entrance.   After paying I was given this booklet as a passport to the museum.  

We were asked to sit at the Briefing Hall of which around 80 seaters capacity, it’s like a mini-cinema theater.   That time it was just me and Farit at the hall.  After 7mins we got out of the hall and followed the arrows leading the gallery.   To be honest,  I was not happy about the museum visit.  It was more fascinating for me to see images and actual temple visits which I did yesterday.   My camera did not do any work this time as:-( it was not allowed to take any photos inside.  In short, I was bored so I just walk fast inside, such a waste.      It would be nice to visit this museum before actually visiting the temples.  

The Khmer Family Kitchen Restaurant

Mixed Fried Rice

Food, of course, should not be missed.  Had brunch at the local restaurant, Tany Khmer Family Kitchen.  I saw this place the last night it was so busy but on that day I was their first guest.:-)    

I bought a notebook on our way after leaving the restaurant.   It used to be my buddy on my way to Phnom Penh, something to scribble and to forget about how long the trip was.;-)     

Lastly, experienced the Cambodian Traditional Message at the Angkor Health Massage Villa.   Since I don’t have enough time for one hour massage, I only had it for half an hour, better than never.   It was similar to Thai massage and so love it.  You know the feeling after having a massage,  you don’t want to get up and want to sleep.

Angkor Health Massage Villa

Wanted more, so relaxing :-).

I wish I had more time but what can I do.   I don’t want to be late for the bus pick up or else I won’t be able to explore the city of Phnom Penh.  Get up!  Get up!     
Went back to the guesthouse, took shower, checked out and paid my ticket for the bus at the reception which I booked earlier.

Ready for the trip to Phnom Penh.  Again,  I did n’t have any guesthouse reservation in the city.  I just asked the brothers Ouk and Farit for driver’s referral.    Phnom Penh Driver = checked.   His name is Elvis.   I feel relieved of course when Ouk and Farit made sure that Elvis will be waiting for me at the bus station.

Next visit: Phnom Penh.


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