Monday, June 07, 2010

Traveling to Vietnam

Vietnam Flag

Looking at my boarding pass on my hand, just me making this flight.
I booked for two tickets in February for my mom and myself, and later advised her to get a passport.    I didn’t tell her that I already purchased the plane ticket nor tell her to where we are going.  It was a surprise plan.   I just simply told her that I was day dreaming and that I will take her along into that dream.   She had not experience yet to sit on a plane.  I wanted to show and explain the nature of the job that I have - a flight attendant.    The trip is supposedly a gift to my beloved mother and a date trip with her.  

Unfortunately, she was not able to complete the papers required in time to apply for a passport.  She settled the other requirements such Form 137 from school…gosh!  Mom is on her 50′s and asked to submit Form 137.   The primary requirement is a birth certificate from the National Statistics Office which she has buuutttt found three major errs, one: name misspelled, two: not her birth date and lastly, how the hell someone typed she is a male.  She has to file for late registration to correct the information on her birth, just not enough time to process it before our flight schedule.  The flight date came and I boarded the aircraft without my mother.

Flight to Vietnam:

The story begins from a first timer solo traveler -myself and my travel buddies are The Lonely Planet  book and Sudoku.  

May 19,2010 NAIA 22:30 
Met Mrs. Tabitha and her solo son Dale Kirby Diaz, from (Misoc) Misamis Occidental, they have relatives in Cavite where they stayed before their flight.  It’s also their first time to travel to Vietnam.  They  will attend a Baptist seminar for a month.  I can see my mom with Mrs. Tabitha, wished she made this trip with me and sure she will be excited.  We separated in Vietnam airport, someone from the same religious group picked them up.  
I stayed at the airport just as planned since my mother is not with me, and get into the first trip bus to Cambodia.                   
Be a millionaire in Vietnam
May 20, 2010 midnight.  
I exchanged $60 for Vietnam Dong (VND) the rate was VND19,100 for $1.  I was an instant millionaire!  I’m counting million here but hey wait a minute I got shortage here.  So I went back to the exchange and the woman at the teller explained that they are charging 3%.   Honestly I got dismayed about that, would have been nice of her to inform about the charges in advanced.    Their rate is for sure lesser than the outside market  but I need VND first hand.   

Tan Son Nhat International Airport
(SGN) Vietnam
I got outside the arrival hall around 2am, the plan was just to sit  outside and catch wi-fi connection to ease boredom and kill time till 05:30 in the morning.  SAPACO Tourist bus office opens early and  I wanted to be on an early trip to Siem Reap.   I was seated on one of those chairs and the arrival and trying to connect into poor wi-fi signal while watching arriving peeps.   

I noticed four Filipinas who were standing next to my seat and heard them talking about transportation to their guest house.   I gave them a hint about what  I just observed earlier.   A  taxi driver over charged a family heading to Pam Ngu Lao in District 1 by $16.  I read that metered taxis would only be cost around $5 – $6 to Pam Ngu Lao, the same area where they are heading.    Since it's midnight it is just a courtesy to add extra but not way too much.   I helped them to deal with a taxi driver and got it for $9 which is of course a good deal ;-) .  I ended up going with the gals and shared VND34,ooo ($1.8) for the fare.      I will stay to the same place where they booked.

Day view at 283/17 Pam Ngu Lao
The driver dropped us in an alley as the address mentioned.  We walked back and forth searching for the guest house where the gals had booked.   We already walked past through the area three times with 5 pairs of eyes.  When all signages are blinking and illuminated at night makes it is hard to locate small sign just like of the  Red Sun Hotel.  Finally located it!   Two good paired eyes finally lead us to the guesthouse but it was closed.    Most of the guesthouses are closed by and night may be not safe of a solo female traveler so I initially decided to just wait at the airport for day light.  They were noted to just buzz if they arrived at night.  We were attended by a lady in red.
                             Red Sun Hotel , 283/17 Pham Ngu Lao Street, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam District 1

Pam Ngu Lao area is very prominent to travelers going to Vietnam, it has vast array of guest houses.  I got a room with two beds  for $15 with free breakfast.  The other 4 gals got the room they reserved.  Room was clean with free wi-fi and a desktop computer at the lobby for guests.   Towel and a tissue roll was provided  except for the other toiletries.  I always bring my own towel and toiletries so it was not a big deal.   Guests must take off  their shoes or slippers while at the guest house premises.   
I arranged for an early ticket to Siem Reap with SAPACO bus liner before getting into my room.  The lady in red said will give me an update at 6am.   Free breakfast starts at 7am till 10am.  Breakfast  includes  limited selection such as egg scrambled or omelet, tea or coffee comes with 2 slices of hard bread.           

Dining Area, Red Sun Hotel

May 20, 2010        

Set alarm at 0600 am, took shower and quick look on internet.  Awww no Facebook in this part of the world.        
At 0630 the receptionist called me and informed that bus pick-up at 0700.  Had my breakfast, egg omelet, coffee with milk, and 2pcs of hard bread that I could not eat.   Paid for my ticket to Siem Reap for $24  and I bought a 1.5L of water for VND15,000 ($0.8).   I was expecting a tuktuk or a moto, but was a guy showed up and we cadillac-walked the street which took  5mins to the bus station.    Yeah, that near. 
First temple  I have seen on our way

SAPACO bus, while waiting for other passengers

I was the only solo tourist alike on this bus, and definitely none-Viet or Cambodian speaker.  The conductor can speak English.   He collected our passports, I was not surprised or worried to hand it over to him.   I read that they collect it for immigration check at the Vietnam-Cambodian border.  

On the bus we were given a small bottle of water and a sandwich.

Woman with no fear to fall *wink* 
Reading a book while motorbike is running.  

Photos taken while on our way.  Now, I am giving you a virtual tour :-) .             
Just like home

First temple I've seen on our way

What are those?

Off to school

  Around the border   

After around three hours, passengers got off the bus.  I was not informed nor aware as to where they are going.  Thought, it was a stop over and they want to pee or buy something.  It took them a while and not coming back.  I decided to go around but never seen them.  So, I went around and took pictures .         
Bavet Checkpoint, Moc Bai Vietnam

When I was done, I went back to the bus only to be shouted at by the driver.  But I don’t understand what he was saying.  I stepped up again  on the bus and immediately withdraw back and as he was about to push me out.  He angrily pointed his finger to a building.  Ok! I got his message, he wanted me to go to that building.  So, I went.  Saw many people waiting for I don’t know.  So many people but could not see the old peeps in same bus where I was.   I saw familiar blue uniformed man of SAPACO bus, was standing near the window.  I saw small sign “Immigration”.   Ahh, this is the border.    Just like other people there, I waited for my turn to be called out and get back my passport.  Wheeew!      
Entering the gate of Cambodia

We all get back into the bus.  It reminded me that whenever the bus stops and passengers leave…I will leave also :-) .   In not so very far the bus stopped again.  This time the conductor told me to follow them… now I am not the missing person.   The first stop was the exit to Vietnam, this time is the entry to Cambodia.  The counter checked and stamped our passports while taking our digital photo, and were done.        
I’m now officially in Cambodia.    



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