Friday, April 02, 2010

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Welcome to Dhaka, Bangladesh.  Where this flight going to take me is yet to be discovered :-) .  Dhaka in Bangladesh, though I have heard negative feedback from others it still excites me…I can give my new Sony DSC-HX1 camera a practice before its real action on my vacation.

Dhaka, Bangladesh.   April 01, 2010 
Airport name: Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport 

UTC +6, Country Code +880  
Currency: Taka $1 at the airport was 68.50 taka.

Level 13, DR Fitness Gym
Rooftop, swimming pool under renovation
View from the room

I did not change money at the airport since my wallet was inside my trolley bag and don’t want to dig it inside.

Here our exciting and anticipating search of the famous Banga Bazar begins.
Let’s see the outside vicinity of the hotel.

Transportation.  The hotel taxi is asking for 900 taka/hour for a van to the Bazar, that is around $13.65 an hour or BD5.140 which is ridiculous.  We decided to just get a taxi from outside hotel.  The security guard helped us to get one at the rate of 250 taka per hour ($3.88 = BD1.43) which is not bad.  Most taxis doesn’t have air-condition and we were six inside, it was traffic, hot, humid so we were feeling sticky.  No complain for such price, you get only for what you pay :-) .

Some pictures taken on our way to Banga Bazar

Tangled cables


With all the sweat and after sitting in the traffic, Bazaar must worth a visit.
Woaaa…is this it? Yeah but yeah..this is it.  We finally reached our destination…the famous Banga Bazaar.

We were greeted by bunch of local seems waiting for us.  They guessed from which airline we are working which implies and actually they claimed that a lot of crew are coming to this place.  We were followed and they really never leave us.  Fatima, speaks Tagalog which she learned from the crew who are coming to this place.  She never left me so I finally asked her to show me her shop and see for what she was selling.  Ahhh, she doesn’t have a store but can lead me to the area of the brand that I would look for, basically a tour guide inside the bazaar.  It is a small bazaar, really not much to see and sure will find our way out.  Divisoria in Philippines offers more variety of commodities to choose from and could be cheaper compared with the prices that sellers quoting us. Someone should master bargaining not to get rip off.  Not an intention to buy anything, but I ended up with a plastic bag :-) .  I got 7 shirts for 350 taka, guess i won the lowest bid ;-) .  Now, I have to exchange dollars again to pay taxi and have extra taka in hand just in case it will be needed.  Conversion rate here is 65 taka/$. 

We got back to the hotel, paid taxi for 4 hour rate for spending 3.5 hours with us.  



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