Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Myra (Demre) Turkey, TR

Referred previous reading: >>> Kekova

Not getting so far, yet still part of a big province of Antalya, here I come Myra.

After having visited Kekova next destination is Pamukkale.   Much wanted to stay a little bit longer in Kekova, but time does not permit so.  Guess, lucky enough that the operator/owner of Theimussa Pension where I stayed in Kekova give us a ride to the city to catch bus going to Fethiye, were supposed to catch bus to Pamukkale.

However, Filiz, Turkish female guest on the same pension house who also was on the same van that Mr. Osman is driving.  She is going to see Myra, one cultural heritage of the country which apparently not on list to visit.   While on our way,  we were encouraged to go with her to see Myra for couple of hours and that she will help us to catch the bus going to Fethiye.  Deal in on. 

he last glimpse of Kekova, one of my fave place in Turkey, calm and peaceful place.   
Hasta la vista Kekova!

Everly, Filiz and Me

Osman, Filiz and Me

We reached the bus station and Osman advised us to just leave our luggage at the station, and that we should come back at 3pm to catch the bus to Fethiye.  Sure agreed.  And Osman continued to drived us to the entrance of Myra.

Shops just outside the entrane of Myra

Paid the entrance fee and let's get in!
Myra is one of the most important towns of ancient Lycia, which has been the capital during Byzantine time.  The birthplace of St. Nicholas known as the father of Christmas.  He became a priest, rose rank to bishop.  According to the myth, he dropped small bags of coins into the chimneys of the houses with poor girl residing and old enough to marry but had no dowry.   He became a patron saint.

The Lycian Tombs

Closer look

Everly, Filiz and Me

Old theater in Myra (Demre)

Fresh orange juice to quench thirst!  

Standing outside the gate seems a bit hard to catch a ride to the bus station.  Mostly buses are parked with of course having their own tourists guests.  Filiz, as she can speak local language had an easy time to call for help.   We were given a ride for a cost, however the man invited us for a tea at his place with the great view.  He said he has his own farm which he visited and he was on his way home.  Agreed and also he must send us back to the bus station before 3pm.  Agreed.  

The view from his place

The white canopies and roofs were of fruits and vegetables plantation

At last, sitting on the bus to Fethiye, the trip took almost 4 hours.  There were several bus operators lined up at the bus station of Fethiye.  Sign boards most have trip to Pamukkale, a relief in my chest.  However, the sad part was the last trip had just left 15mins ago.  Another bus company has a van with an "only" just "one" seat available, not suited for two tired bodies :-(.

I called the hotel in Pamukkale that we're cancelling the reservation, and ofcourse a refund request there ;-),  since we missed the last bus trip to there, and asked whether they have a tie-up hotel in Fethiye.  

It wasn't hard to find hotel from there since bus operators have acommodation brochures and referals depending your budget.  Stayed at Onur Guest house with breakfast, pick and drop back to the bus station.  Aimed to catch the 7am morning trip to Pamukkale.  

We walked around the area to find a restaurant where we can have a dinner.  We're tired of shawarma and tired of long trip...had no choice but shawarma again.  Can't eat it on a big bun, so request everytime I ordered shawarma to put everything on the side and cut the bread, just like this one;

End the day with shawarma.


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