Saturday, March 12, 2011

Chitwan Nepal

Chitwan Nepal

Nepal Adventure

Set my alarm at 05:30 for our trip from Pokhara to Chitwan.  It was a very cold night and am too lazy to get up. Ohhh Get up! get up! Prepared and had my things set after having breakfast.  It was about 15mins drive from the hotel to the bus station.  Reached the station at 07:15 and left after an hour of waiting for other passengers to fill up the bus.  We reached Chitwan at 12:30nn.

Activities and Places of Interests in Chitwan:

Pokhara bus station

Unlike Katmandu and Pokhara, Chitwan is foggy in the morning, hot sunny in the afternoon and cold at night.  Noticed that people who lives in Chitwan have darker skin and have more similarities with Indians even the way they dressed.
Lunch has been served at the garden upon arrival at the River Bank Inn.

The River Bank Inn Garden

Loving this bed :-)

View from the terrace


Vegetarian Lunch

Tharu Village

Tharus people are the indigenous Asian ethnic group from the southern foothills of Himalayas and part of India. Located in Sauhara, Chitwan.  Earlier the village was known for malaria illness which already been eradicated.

Tharu  women collecting elephant sticks

Tharu village,  houses are made from the elephant sticks, laterally covered with mixed mud and cows poo.
The paint mark on the walls believe that it invites blessing to come to the house and cast away the bad spirit.

These small opening serves as the window

Left picture is the Bhakari  or rice container next is a small container made from
mud and cows poo.

The picture on the left is called Silauta or the spices and herbs mincer, next to it is drinker basin for animals.

Straining mustard seeds

Exploring the area of Chitwan

Tharu Traditional Dance
Each dance represents different festivals and ceremonies.

Stick Dance

Peacock Dance

... more about Chitwan


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