Friday, March 11, 2011

Rafting in Trisuli River, Nepal

Good day!
Another exciting day it is to me.  Rafting in wild river!

Trisuli River Rafting
As it was going to be early, we just decided to pack our breakfast and had them when the bus stopped over for a breakfast.  It was about three-hour bus drive from Kathmandu to Chiraudi, our starting point.  
On the bus we met our teammates for the rafting, a banker and others were students who are completing their college course, part of it is to experience rafting. 

" I think you are not enjoying the trip since you were silent", mates finally said while having tea on our break.  Daaagghhh.  Sorry guys, I am just concentrating on holding my bladder, was wishing and praying that bus would stop the soonest LOL. 
Nice to meet you ;-).

We are heading there!

Captain inflating the raft


I am ready!

Our team is ready!

Trisuli River Rafting has several rapids: 
Twin Rocks, Ladies Delight, Landslide, Monsoon, First Upset, Second Upset, and Surprise! 

When the river was quiet the team was wild.  It was a sunny day but the water was really cold.
The guys jumped off the raft and were like floating ants in a melted frozen delight LOL. Freezing!

Time to take our cameras out from the tightly closed container.

Captain, Shukra Kumar

Yeni my Indonesian fella, Captain Shukra Kumar, Atish Gauchan, Sapan Hamal and 2 other mates.


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