Friday, March 11, 2011

Jungle Quest - Chitwan

Jungle Quest in Chitwan

Nepal Adventure
  • Elephant Safari
  • Canoeing
  • Jungle Walk
  • Elephant Breeding Centre
  • Elephant Bathing 
It was like a sound of solitude under my pillow that alarm killed it off.  Switched off and asked for few more minutes of consciously sleeping :-). 
Slid the curtain on the side on the window,  opened the door to invite more lighting into the room and to give a waking-up ambiance.  Outside was filled with fog and cold.  Would be nice to jump and roll back into the bed and hide under the sheet.  Zzzzzz.


*** Elephant Safari ***

It's the jungle day and scheduled to meet up the elephants at that early :-).
Elephants are gathered in a place not so far away from the hotel where I stayed.

This elephant obediently follows the instruction to sit.


The sun starts to shine and the fog slowly disappears as we get into the forest

 Hello, sunshine!

Psssshhh!  Quiet and look around for animals

Sambar deer

Spotted deer


Mother and child Rhinos

Wild boars

Spotted deers

Oh deer!

A tiny king, King Fisher

Cotton tree in blossom

Thanks, big fella for the nice ride. 

*** Canoeing ***

How about unwinding by the river after the elephant safari? 
It's time for canoeing but no hand playing onto the water.  Fingers maybe finger leaking in the eyes of our new fellas...crocodiles :-). 

Our new ride

Balance is important here, canoe does not have side floats.  We don't want to tumble into the water and swim along the crocs ;-).

*** Exploring the Jungle ***

After we finished canoeing we headed back to the forest this time no elephant.   Let's walk.
Let's now see nature by walking.   Nice to walk in the morning and if we are lucky maybe we will run too if we meet fast running and biting creatures LOL.     

Our walk path

 Caterpillar, you ain't gonna make me run!

Buff, ox or bull?  
One thing I am certain of that these two can make me run :-)

Termite mound  (wild boars eats the insects)

*** Chitwan Elephant Breeding Centre ***

After about an hour of walking, we reached the elephant breeding centre in Chitwan.
Amazing twin elephants with big fella mom. 
Elephant's gestation period is about 22 months and elephant calf can weight 120 kg at birth, that is more than twice of my weight.  Whooa!

This big fella was rocking back and forth

The Skull

The Teeth

 The opposite side of the river awaits our jeep back to the hotel.

The woman leads to the other side of the river (jungle) for grass feeding

** Elephant Bathing **

Really nice to watch how this big creature gives joy to human.
Simply enjoying the simplicity of life. 

 Elephant bathing

Human bath :-)


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