Sunday, December 05, 2010

Washing Machine Spins My Head

Washing Machine Spinner

I was almost done doing the laundry.  Thanks washing machine for the wonderful job.  My buddy machine just finished washing the blankets and linens and spinning them.

My dilemma started when spinner just stopped working.   My head spun fast and thought, and thought and thought...its winter.   The washing machine spinner is a much-needed help for fast drying the clothes when hanging them.   Who is going to fix it?   Where I am going to take it for fixing?  Will the shop take it from my flat if I called them?   I needed it now.

I made a quick mental review of what just happened.  It was spinning and it just stopped when I lean on its slightly opened lid. 

Observed the cover and mechanism.  I got curious with something that "hooked" on its lid.  I tried to pull it up and saw no function.  What happened inside, I want to see.  Besides, I am taking it to the repair shop so let me break it "just" a little more if I can't find the source of its stoppage. 
What a bright idea.

Traced the knob and cable responsible for stopping, then the controls.  I turned the knob, checked okay.  The spinner's mechanism inside its control was working.  Something was wrong that makes the spinner stopped which I want to figure out.

It clings to my memory the first thing that catches my attention was the hook.  I found out that the wire that connects from the lid to this hook down to its motor was cut.  It was the rust makes the wire weak and break.  The question, Do I need the same set of wiring to make it work?  I will use the first alternative and see if it will work.

Went outside and bought a wire, 200 fils cost of wire *wink.
Let see buddy machine if I can repair your spinner. 

I inserted the wire to the tiny hole then to its motor and twist-bend the end of the wire to lock it.  The other end of the wire was inserted to another hole that connects to the hook which serves as the puller.
Now let see.  When spinners' lid is open, the hook is down.  Closing the lid will lift the hook,  pulling the wire down to the motor then the spinning starts.  The sudden opening of the lid stops the spinning because there is no pulling force. 

Charan!!! Success buddy machine, your spinner works as new. 

Good job missy handy woman.


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