Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Gallipoli, Turkey, TR

Our tour from Canakkale heading to Eceabat, the WW1 Battlefields of Gollipoli.
Gallipoli from the Greek word, means "Beautiful City" once held the Battle of Canakkale.  In early 1915, attempting to seize the strategic advantage of Constantinople now Istanbul, the British ordered to attack the peninsula.  The battle took 8 months campaign which resulted more deaths from Turkish, British, Australian, New Zealand, France and Indians.   

The ANZAC, Australian New Zealand Army Corps still commemorating the Anzac day every 25th of April , and Turks considered it as a national pride.  Every year there is a mass held at the site. 

Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, lead the fighting Turks against the Allied and the success of the Gollipoli made him the national hero and the father of Turkey. 

Ferry trip from Canakkale to Eceabat

Eceabat ahead

Dur Yolcu Memorial "Wait Traveller" on the hillside of Kilitbahir, Gallipoli

Lunch at Maydos

Heading to the boat

Closer to the boat

Boat trip operated by Hassle Free

See the boat under the water?
Several ships and boats sunk around Gollipoli and Dardanalles

Getting closer to the memorial


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