Sunday, October 02, 2011

Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, TR

Today is an easy day, no rush as the major sites already been seen in Istanbul.   

Looking at the map of Istanbul, Topkapi Palace is huuuuuggggeeee and today its a must see.   Following a group of people walking towards don't know where :-).   Thought  maybe they will lead us yet to another significant place.  Right! Here we are at the gate of Topkapi Palace.  

Mehmet II who conquered Istanbul built this palace in the years 1466-1478.  Within the vicinity of this compound there are various buildings, pavilions, school for sultans and princess, pharmacy, mosque, kitchen, libraries, circumcision room and fire brigade building.  In 1924 Topkapi Palace was made into a museum.

Let's get in and follow the crowd :-).

Main gate

On the left side of the main gate we entered this building. See what we saw.

Its amazing mosaics

The Salutation Gate, it's the middle gate and entrance to the museum.
Entrance fee of TL20 before getting to this point ;-)

It was built in 15th century when the palace was first established.  Only the Sultan was allowed to ride beyond this point, everyone else had to dismount.  This gate was guarded by the corps of guards.  This gate is actually inside the Topkapi compound. 

There are several Sultanate Carriages


Gate of Felicity

Endurun Library (Library of Ahmed III)


Iznik tiles on the ceiling

(Bottom) Baghdad Pavilion - this was built to commemorate the Baghdad Campaign of Murad IV after 1938.    This pavillion is one of the last examples of the classical palace architecture.  This building was used as Library of the Privy Chamber.

The Ceiling of Baghdad Pavilion

The Ceiling of Circumsion Room


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