Wednesday, February 08, 2017

When Gardening Goes Nuts

Mag-tanim ay hindi biro (farming is no joke) is a farmers' song, which tells how difficult it is for farmers who were hunchback the entire day of planting.  

This song turn out to be so real and literally farming is no joke for someone who knows nothing about planting.   

This is when gardening goes nuts. 

I thought it would be nice to have a small plot in adjacent vacant lot. A little greenery would add life.   A week spent in cleaning and removing the grass in the making of the small plot.

I remember my mom buying plants that are placed in a small black plastic with mixed of soil and palay husks. 

So I purchased 2 sacks of palay husks from the rice mill and mixed it on the soil that I prepared.  
After a few days…ta-da!  

What an odd surprised!  There are many, as in many, many tiny green spikes and sneaking out from the soil.  Keeps on growing taller day by day.  There's more and denser than normal grass. 

The palay leaves keeps on growing and that required more time and effort in removing it, simply by pulling them just doesn't work.  Will I harvest more palay this time?   I laughed at myself for what a toinks! toinks! (think of your own words) I  have done.  
It is funny how I learned from this :). 

Well, now that kept me busy, removing the palay young leaves before they get even taller as that will be much harder to remove.

I was curious though whether they will bear palay :).  
What do you think?



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