Monday, October 28, 2013

Ras Al Khaima Beach Camping

It was during Eid, the long holiday for Muslims and so thus my friends who work in the office.   Here, decided for an outing.   It was my first camping ever.  Our tents were stood  next to the shore which adds to the excitement.  Not only that!  Swimming the next day!
It was really a great experience, a night of get away just simply "away".   

Lou and Kuya Rogel preparing our  food "baon"

Dax and Kuya Bong preparing the our "Sulo" lights

Meal was served :-)

Let's eat

Beautiful moon

Play time

Good morning Ras Al Khaima Beach, taken at 05:30am

Our neighbors

Good sleep by the beach

Our tents

It was calm

Thanks for the good time shared.

Ras Al Khaima, UAE
October 15, 2013


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