Monday, October 28, 2013

Ras Al Khaima Beach Camping

It was during Eid, the long holiday for Muslims and so thus my friends who work in the office.   Here, decided for an outing.   It was my first camping ever.  Our tents were stood  next to the shore which adds to the excitement.  Not only that!  Swimming the next day!
It was really a great experience, a night of get away just simply "away".   

Lou and Kuya Rogel preparing our  food "baon"

Dax and Kuya Bong preparing the our "Sulo" lights

Meal was served :-)

Let's eat

Beautiful moon

Play time

Good morning Ras Al Khaima Beach, taken at 05:30am

Our neighbors

Good sleep by the beach

Our tents

It was calm

Thanks for the good time shared.

Ras Al Khaima, UAE
October 15, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Picnic at Mamzar Beach, Dubai UAE

Compilation of photos taken during our picnic at Mamzar.

 Dubai, UAE
September 20 2013

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Petra, Jordan


UNESCO World Heritage and 2007 Seven Wonders of the World "Petra".
 On our way, finding the Lost City "Petra".
There is entrance fee of 1JD for locals and 50JD for tourists.  The elderly can visit the place without the worries of a long walk for there is a number of camel and horses carriage services in the area. 
Al Khazneh or so called The Treasury

It has been called as Red Rose City because of its pinkish rock walls.
Petra has been the Nabataeans caravan trade center in early period.  Below is the Bab-el Siq or the long entrance to the ancient city of Petra.

The sun was pretty high on this day but walking along these huge walls is like in an open air conditioned area. 

 Djinn Blocks
These are tombs or memorial stones, cube-shaped monuments.

 Obelisk Tomb and Bal el-Siq Triclinium
The upper is the Obelisk Tomb crowned with 4 pyramids, below is the Triclinium or the funerary dining hall.

Sabinos Alexandros Station
Sacred stone blocks work of Sabino

Relief of the camel caravan driver

 Street of Facades  
Rock cut tombs neatly arranged in rows.

 The first view of the Treasury at the mouth of the El-Siq.

 The Amphitheater


The Urn Tomb

Petra, Jordan
September 2013

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Aqaba, Jordan

Aqaba, Jordan

I came in Jordan before and never thought that there is this hidden paradise.
The flight landed in King Hussain International Airport, in Aqaba.  The downtown area can be reach in 20 to 25 minutes.  Israel is close to Aqaba.

It's not a clear shot as it was shaky.  Just to share the idea how close Israel is.  The lights across the road is Israel.  Our transport here is heading to the hotel from the airport.

Radisson Blu Sas in Tala Bay, Aqaba hides a haven.  It is a great privilege for me to be here.

 Heading to my room

My room :-)

View from the balcony at night

 Day view from balcony

Bay Watch area

Longer pool

The Heat Wave, Red Sea