Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hanoi, Vietnam

Hanoi is the capital and second to Ho Chi Minh (formerly Saigon) largest city of Vietnam.
Let's hop to the city of Hanoi :-).

Vincom Center, the Shopping Paradise of Vietnam

Inside Vincom Center

 Giant Ginseng sold in Vincom Center

CBC Building fronting Vincom Center

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Tomb of Vietnamese Communist Leader - Ho Chi Minh . "Uncle Ho" as he is referred to by many Vietnamese.

Some Do's & Don'ts when visiting Uncle Ho's tomb:  
       - All belongings need to pass x-ray machine by the gate.
       - Do wear something below the knee.  
          Staffs sell shawl for those who are wearing shorts.
       - No cameras
       - No food and water
       - Silence
       - No hands in  pocket gestures
       - No arms crossed over chest gestures
       - Hats off
       - No sunglasses

The Pond

One Pillar Pagoda  
The temple was built by Emperor Ly Thai Tong who ruled from 1028-1054, which is similar on what he saw in his dream.  He was childless, and dreamt of receiving a baby son while seated on a lotus flower.  He then married a peasant girl he met and  bore a son.  The emperor constructed the temple in gratitude for that in 1049.

The Presidential Palace

 St. Joseph Cathedral in Hanoi, Built in 1886

 Temple of Literature entrance, Hanoi

 Temple of Literature entrance pillars

Temple of Literature: Architectural Students complying with their project

 Tower at the Military Museum

 The Flag Tower
Military Museum

Military Museum

Military Museum

Hang Da Market

Souvenir Shop

Au Dai - Vietnamese Traditional Clothing

Snake Wine -  Vietnamese says it cures rhuematism, arthritis
eye sight, hairloss.  Believed that it can improved health and virility.

Mang Cut or Mangosteen, takes 8-15 years for a tree to bear this tropical dark-purple fruits.

Pho -  rice noodles

Bubble Tea (Black Tapioca Tea)

Viet Iced Coffee :-)

Yummy Street Food!

June 2011


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