Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Paragliding In Pokhara, Nepal

Nepal Adventure

Sarangkot, Pokhara

I'm flying!  I'm flying!
Paragliding - first ever in my life!
It is sickening fun!

It's a tandem flight with the professional pilots from Blue Sky Paragliding office located at Khahare -6, Lakeside, Pokhara.
About 25mins drive to Sarangkot, then few walk up to the hill.

Hiking Sarangkot Hill


We had three rejected take-off because of the wind and each tries my chest was beating dub-dub-dub, the hillside is just a step away (dub-dub-dub).

Once my feet lifted from the ground, up and away the drumbeating from my chest just vanished  I am flying!!! I am flying!!! Overlooking the icy mountain range, the Fewa Lake, roofs, the greenery, feels cloud 9.

Flying at 1800 altitude.

I now understood the feeling of hyperventilated sickness. I felt a sudden headache, stomach pain, weakness, hands, and feet coldness and tingling, though it's cold I feel sweating from my forehead, barfing felt like more air in my stomach.  Felt like a melting candle.

I requested the pilot to get lower a bit, I was feeling like a battery losing its energy.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.   

I felt better and played again with the wind as we get lowered. 

Fewa Lake

Overlooking Himalayas


The Landing

The Ground
It took some time to recover from the air sickness.  Just surrendered our back to stable and flat land.
Certainly,  will definitely do it again!!!


  1. clap clap clap... Good narration it relates the thrill you had there... What a courage you've got there my dear.. Is that a tripod from the cam the hes holding?

    Still thinking if i can do it...:)

  2. Thanks Wuds. If given the opportunity I will do it again. I can do it. You sure can do it, too ;-).
    It's not a tripod for sure as it is single pole. Aaaah, didn't ask the pilot, maybe it's a gorilla fisheye lens.


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