Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Gallipoli, Turkey, TR

Our tour from Canakkale heading to Eceabat, the WW1 Battlefields of Gollipoli.
Gallipoli from the Greek word, means "Beautiful City" once held the Battle of Canakkale.  In early 1915, attempting to seize the strategic advantage of Constantinople now Istanbul, the British ordered to attack the peninsula.  The battle took 8 months campaign which resulted more deaths from Turkish, British, Australian, New Zealand, France and Indians.   

The ANZAC, Australian New Zealand Army Corps still commemorating the Anzac day every 25th of April , and Turks considered it as a national pride.  Every year there is a mass held at the site. 

Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, lead the fighting Turks against the Allied and the success of the Gollipoli made him the national hero and the father of Turkey. 

Ferry trip from Canakkale to Eceabat

Eceabat ahead

Dur Yolcu Memorial "Wait Traveller" on the hillside of Kilitbahir, Gallipoli

Lunch at Maydos

Heading to the boat

Closer to the boat

Boat trip operated by Hassle Free

See the boat under the water?
Several ships and boats sunk around Gollipoli and Dardanalles

Getting closer to the memorial


The legendary ancient city of Troy, the setting of the Trojan War described in two epic poems Illiad and Odessey attributed to Homer.  These legendary names once I heard in my high school History subject :-).

This is another long bus ride from Selcuk to Canakkale almost 8hours, reached late afternoon so was not able to explore the nice city of Canakkale.   Just walked around the area to find place for dinner.  This is a busy city.  The lights by the dock is fascinating.   The big restaurant near by the sea is one of the busiest area, seems most of the tourist flock in there.  More shops around, so lively at night.

The travel operator and the hotel next to it

Troy Tour

The queues of chance to climb the horse
The Trojan War
Helen, the most beautiful woman in Greece, married to Menelaus was abducted by Paris - the young Prince of Troy.   The abduction fueled the fight and caused the Trojan War.

"Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" saying was gotten from the history of this Trojan horse.   On the Illiad epic of Homer says that after the 10 longs years Greek fight with the Trojans, Greek made a huge wooden horse and offered it to Trojans as peace offering.   Despite of the warning, Trojans accepted the bait.  Without knowing that there are dozens of Greek army held inside the horse.  The army left the horse then departed.  That night, the army returned and the men came out from the wooden horse and opened the gate for their companions, thus winning the war.   Menelaus then held Helen with him back to Sparta, the ancient city-state in Greece. 

In movie "Troy", actor Brad Pitt,  Helen who is married to Menelaus find love with Paris, and elope with him to Troy.   Menelaus who wants  his wife Helen back, seek his brother Agamemnon's help, the King of Greece who wanted to take the Troy. 
Hector, Prince of Troy killed Agamemnon during the battle.  Achilles the great warrior from Greece fell deeply inlove with  Deidameia, cousin of Prince Hector and Paris.   Achilles took revenged took Hector's life for killing his cousin.  Paris killed Achilles  with an arrow that strike his achilles heel. 

The Trojan Horse

In Trojan VII, huge pots are served as food storage which are kept under the floor

Troy battlefield

The excavations in the site have revealed nine main cities with various ruins of city walls, typical house- foundations, a temple and a theater.  
The Ages of Troy I ~ IX

South Gate

The southwest gate ramp
Fortification Wall
The Reconstruction of the Theater

October 2011

Monday, December 05, 2011

Bergama, Turkey, TR

This ancient Greek city of Bergama, previously known as Pergamon once  taken by legendary Alexander the Great.  Pergamon was cited in the Book of Revelation as one of the seven churches of Asia.
I am not taking Archeological studies here, but to see and go to the places that once I heard only in my high-school History subject.  

Acropolis - the high city in Greek, Citadel in English. The highest point.  People choose the highest or elevated ground to build settlement for the purpose of defense.  

The fortified hill, Acropolis

Temple of Trajan

Brigitte from France, taking pics :-)

Snake caught my attention

The Theater

The Sky Cable Ride

Hop In :-)

View from the sky cable