Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tonle Sap - The Floating Village

The lake plays important role in the commercial resource of the fishing industry.  It is one of the most visited places in Cambodia too.   

We are about to explore the village, the floating houses of the Khmer, Muslim, and Vietnamese; the floating markets, church, schools, basketball court and boats loaded with other tourists.
On the boat, while filling up with other tourists

Ouk Barang,  our giude and tuk-tuk driver 

Sachiko Watanabe, she was my travel buddy in Cambodia.
I met on the bus from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap

More boats


Commodities trading

Catching fish

Women waiting for the commodities from arriving boat

Boat carrying supplies

House built along the river

More shops

Another boat with tourists

Ice supply on the surface

more tourists' boats


Boys moving the boat from the shallow area

Water level marked on the pillars when it gets high tide 

The boat was stuck

Foodie stall

Another commodity shop

The floating church

We transferred to a floating restaurant and ordered some drinks. Stayed on the upper deck for a while before moving back to the pier.  These are the kinds of stuff sold at the floating restaurant.

Roof deck

It was sunset when we got back the pier

The ticket to the lake 


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