Sunday, October 02, 2011

Horse Riding in Avanos,Cappadocia, TR

Heeeeyyyaaaa tig-tigi-dig!

When you have few days in a place, you don't wan't to be idle.  Me?  I want to see as much as possible and maximize my stay. 

Here in the land of beautiful Cappadocia which means country of beautiful horses, here I had my first encounter on horseback riding.  Well, two hours for beginner's ride was pretty much enough ;-).  I will tell you why later on.

Seating at Kirkit Turizm office while waiting for the van that will take us to Kirkit equestrian centre.  A man with broad shouldered, strong physique equestrian rider on a black shirt with cowboy hat appeared at the office.  We were told to follow him.  

First equestrian encounter :-)

Kirkit Equestrian Center


Meet "Inci" (in-ji)

This was around 6'ish in the afternoon and overlooking Cappadocia from the Mt. Idis.

That's where we came from :-)

Heading up!

  Felt relax with Inci :-)

My girl Inci!

Meet Doruk, the man in black at the office :-)

Inci is smiling on cam :-)

Everly and Meee!


We're going down!

Good girl, Inci

Oh sweet Inci horsie, thanks for the nice ride and you did not let me fall. 
(Photo: Therrie, sweet horsie, Doruk - the guy at the office, and Everly)

That was great! 
Oh well, now here to say that two hours was enough for a beginner! 
Why? That's enough to feel your behind aching the next day hahahaha!
I can tell ;-)

Thanks to the following:

Kirkit Turizm
Equestrian Office

Doruk Aktunc
Equestrian Guide

Avanos, Cappadocia

September 2011



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