Saturday, October 08, 2011

Ihlara Valley, Cappadocia, TR

Ihlara is a town situated in Aksakaray, Central Anatolia in Turkey.  This town is famed for the nearby valley, which is of the same name Ihlara Valley.  In the past it was called Peristremma Valley. 

Due to several volcanic eruptions this resulted a canyon, a  deep ravine cliffs carved from the river landscape. 

The whole canyon became underground dwellings, a place of refuge by hiding Christians from the Roman soldiers during Byzantine period.  In the Ihlara Valley there are so many  old churches in the volcanic rock caves.   The most known churches are Ağaçaltı Church with cross plan, Sümbüllü Church, Pürenliseki Church, Kokar Church, Yilanli Church, Karagedik Church, Kirkdamatli Church, Direkli Church, Ala Church, Kemerli Church and Egritas Church.

I can't stop clicking my camera though we haven't reached the site.   The view on our way to Ihlara was fascinating. 

Looks like a never ending road

We finally reached Ihlara Canyon!

The Map

The bottom is the Agacalti Kilisesi or Agacalti Church

Beyzan, our tour guide is showing the early Christian church's painting on the cave.

The river

Above is sunflower plantation seen in on the road,
Bottom are tomato and squash plants seen by the bank of Ihlara river

Flowers seen

Grass flowers

Black berries

 The Canyon

Our tour guide instructed us to follow the path and do not cross the river :-).  At the end of the pathway there is our reward! Lunch by the river :-).  So, let us walk fast!

The river

Lovely!!!  Walking was never tiring, my eyes are fed with beautiful sceneries.

Finish  line!!! 

Guilia & Amerigo enjoying the water

Long table for Yama Tour!!! :-)

Yama Tour!!!  Yama Tour!!!  This is the call of our tour guide, Ms. Beyzan to address the group.  Sign for time is up! :-)

Yama faces: Start from my side:  Me, Everly (Filipina), hidden Masayoshi (Japanese), Karl (French), Irem & Cihan (Turkish couple), Guilia & Amerigo (Italian couple), Koichiro & wife (Japanese couple) and Jaciara & Eduardo (Brazilian couple).  Really had fun with you guys :-).  Miss you all.


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